Thai National Parks

Species of Thailand

Clamorous reed warbler

Acrocephalus stentoreus

Wilhelm Friedrich Hemprich & Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg, 1833

In Thai: นกพงใหญ่พันธุ์อินเดีย

The clamorous reed warbler (Acrocephalus stentoreus) is an Old World warbler in the genus Acrocephalus. It breeds from Egypt eastwards through Pakistan, Afghanistan and northernmost India to south China, southeast Asia and south to Australia. A. s. meridionalis is an endemic race in Sri Lanka.


Most populations are sedentary, but the breeding birds in Pakistan, Afghanistan and north India are migratory, wintering in peninsular India and Sri Lanka.

This passerine bird is a species found in large reed beds, often with some bushes. 3-6 eggs are laid in a basket nest in reeds.


Nine subspecies are recorded.

  • A. s. stentoreus (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833)
  • A. s. brunnescens (Jerdon, 1839)
  • A. s. amyae Stuart Baker, 1922
  • A. s. meridionalis (Legge, 1875)
  • A. s. siebersi Salomonsen, 1928
  • A. s. lentecaptus E. J. O. Hartert, 1924
  • A. s. harterti Salomonsen, 1928
  • A. s. celebensis Heinroth, 1903
  • A. s. sumbae E. J. O. Hartert, 1924


Clamorous reed warbler is a large song thrush-sized warbler at 18–20 cm. The adult has an unstreaked brown back and whitish underparts. The forehead is flattened, and the bill is strong and pointed. The sexes are identical, as with most warblers. It is very like great reed warbler, but that species has richer coloured underparts.

There are a number of races differing in plumage shades. The migratory northern race has the richest brown upperparts, and the endemic Sri Lanka subspecies is the darkest form.

Like most warblers, clamorous reed warbler is insectivorous, but will take other small prey items.

The song is loud and far carrying, but less raucous than great reed warbler. It is a slow, chattering with typically acrocephaline whistles and mimicry added.

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Category / Seasonal Status

Wiki listed status (concerning Thai population): Very rare winter visitor

BCST Category: Recorded in an apparently wild state within the last 50 years

BCST Seasonal status: Non-breeding visitor

Scientific classification

Acrocephalus stentoreus

Common names

  • Thai: นกพงใหญ่พันธุ์อินเดีย

Conservation status

Least Concern (IUCN3.1)

Least Concern (IUCN3.1)

Data Deficient (IUCN3.1)

Data Deficient (ONEP)

Data Deficient (IUCN3.1)

Data Deficient (BCST)

Range Map